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windows batch programming: Removing only exactly matching line from the file

I have a file like this:

int exit =30
exit ;
some exit;
this line should not be removed.

I want to remove the line which contains only "exit;" from this file.So I want the command to remove only the first line from the file.I'm using this command currently:

type somefile.txt | find /v "exit;"

but the output I'm getting is:

int exit =30
exit ;
this line should not be removed.

As you have seen the command removed all the lines containing exit; .I only want line 1 to be removed as it is the exact match.Any help?

FIND cannot do what you want. But FINDSTR can :-)

Using FINDSTR with regular expression anchors ^ for the beginning of a line, and $ for the end of a line:

findstr /v "^exit;$" "somefile.txt"

Or using the /x option that has the exact same meaning, but can also be used with string literals, not just regular expressions:

findstr /v /x /c:"exit;" "somefile.txt"

Note that the end of line $ anchor and /x option (and /e end option) only work properly when the text file uses Windows style lines that are terminated by carriage return/line feed. Unix style lines that end simply with line feed will not work properly.

Use findstr command. instead of find It is better and it takes regular expressions also.

type somefile | findstr /v "^exit;"


findstr /v "^exit;" somefile

good luck

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