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trying to install django and python using GIT-BASH on win7

I am trying to install django for the first time and trying to work through http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/python-tutorials/python-from-scratch-creating-a-dynamic-website/ .

I have downloaded Django-1.4.3. here is my Git-Bash directory

$ ls
Django-1.4.3     ReleaseNotes.rtf  doc           git-cheetah  libexec
Git Bash.vbs     bin               etc           git-cmd.bat  share
README.portable  cmd               git-bash.bat  lib          ssl

according to the tutorial I have to execute:

cd Django-1.4.3
python setup.py install

when I do the latter I get:

$ python setup.py install
sh.exe": python: command not found

where do I need to put python to allow it to execute this command?

Assuming that Python is already installed, this error message means that Git-Bash doesn't know where your python.exe is.

To run the python command from the Git-Bash like you proposed, you have to append the path of python.exe in the PATH environment variable of Windows.

Other way to run python on Windows is using the normal command prompt (instead of Git-Bash) using the full path. For example, if the installation directory of python is C:\\Python27 :

cd Django-1.4.3
C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install

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