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Apply several constraints in one “validate” pass in Silex

I'm using Silex, and trying to validate some value with validator service. But the problem is that I need apply several constraints to one value, but validator don't let to do this without using Required constraint.

When I just want to validate a choice value (say, 'apple' or 'orange') I have to wrap constraints Choice and NotNull (because Choice allows a null value) into Required and Collection (because Required cannot be used without Collection and it is CollectionValidator who validates series of Required 's constraints) like this:

$violations = $app['validator']->validate(array('value'), 
    new Collection(array(
        new Required(array(
            new Choice(array('apple', 'orange')),
            new NotNull()

It looks verbose so I'm looking for more elegant solution (for such explicit use of validator).

You can use the validateValue function that accepts an array of constraints as second parameter.

$violations = $app['validator']->validateValue('value', array(
    new Choice(array('apple', 'orange')),
    new NotBlank()

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