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Windows Phone 8 Push Notification (MPNS) Server Code

Windows Phone 7 has the MpnsRecipe NuGet package which you can use to send push notification messages to the Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS) on the server side. However, this package has not been updated for Windows Phone 8.


What is the equivelant for Windows Phone 8? I want to make use of the new wide tiles but I can't find any code online to get me started. All I can find is the XML format for the new messages on MSDN and I'd rather not have to write my own if there is a ready made package available.

Most WP7 projects should just work on WP8. Did you try to use the NuGet package and something didn't work? Did you forgot to unblock the web downloaded DLLs or did you forgot to update your NuGet package manager .

查看PushSharp: https : //github.com/Redth/PushSharp它似乎已针对Windows Phone 8中的新通知有效负载格式进行了更新。

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