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In primefaces some variables where erased by p:wizard

I'm programming with Primefaces a I use p:wizard.

I have a problem. When I´m on step 1 I have access to all my variables, but when I change to step 2 to generate the panelGrid, the variables that were available on step 1 are now empty in the method createForm:

<p:wizard widgetVar="wiz">
    <p:tab id="stepone" title="Step 1">
           <h:panelGrid >
              <h:outputLink value="#" onclick="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [1], true)">next</h:outputLink>
    <p:tab id="step2" title="Step 2">
           <h:panelGrid >
               <h:panelGrid  binding="#{ingresoBean.panelGrid}">
           <h:panelGrid >
                <h:outputLink value="#" onclick="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [0], true);">return</h:outputLink>

And the bean:

List<Element> listElement;
private transient UIComponent panelGrid;
public IngresoBean() {
public UIComponent getPanelGrid() {
    if (panelGrid == null) {
        panelGrid = createForm();
         return panelGrid;
public void setPanelGrid(UIComponent panelGrid) {
    this.panelGrid = panelGrid;

public UIComponent createForm(){
    //here the listElement isnull
    for(SiacFrmdinamico campo:listElement){
public void initForm(){
   // populate listElement

From the documenation:

To begin with create your backing bean, it's important that the bean lives across multiple requests so avoid a request scope bean. Optimal scope for wizard is viewScope.

Basically, annotate your class with @ViewScoped and make sure your wizard is within <f:view> tags.

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