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Java - ( Apache POI ) Setting Cell Formula within a Loop


Hello Java Developers,

Here's a straight question. How would I be able to set the Cell's formula within a loop in Apache POI?

Here's an information to support my question:

Illustration 1 : Cell C1 has the formula of SUM(C6:C7) which can be done by simply hard coding the formula myCell.setCellFormula("SUM(C6:C7)") .
On the other hand:

Illustration 2 : This is my desired output. I want to set a formula on Cells C1, D1, and E1 for example. How can this be done within a loop?

Why would I want it within a loop?
- Hard-coding would be tiresome. 3 cells are just and example. Currently I have hundreds of cells waiting for their formula.
- Row count are not specified, it will be based on the number of rows created by the program.

What I have done?
- Googled.
- Searched for similar question.
- Apache POI's column is represented by an Integer (Number of cells within a row).

The formula requires Alpha C2 (Column C, Row 2). I tried to loop through the Spreadsheet and realized that if I continue, the formula will result to SUM(26:27) (Where: 2 = Column C, and Row 6(Base 1: rowCount + 1) which I want to be SUM(C6:C7)

I have finally solved the problem.
CellReference.convertNumToColString(myColumnNumber) will return the column name

What have you tried so far (code)?

Try something like this (but you have to put more thought into it when you get past column Z:

  int col=2;
  int row=6;
  char ccol = (char) (('A'+col)&0xff);
  String formula=String.format("SUM(%c%d:%c%d)", ccol, row, ccol, row+1);

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