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Hi I am trying to echo out rows from a table in my database by using a foreach loop

this is how i do it

//connecting to the database//

$stmt_seven = $db->prepare('SELECT img, description FROM Videos ORDER BY date LIMIT 10;');
$res_seven = $stmt_seven->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
        echo "<br />";
        echo"No Content Available Yet..";
        foreach($res AS $val)
            foreach($val AS $val1)
                **echo "$val1['img'];
                echo "$val1['description'];**    
    $db = null;

the highlighted code does not work. And I do not know what i am doing wrong!

your $res is empty as per code. I guess it should be $res_seven

Remove the double quotes in echo "$val1['img']; echo "$val1['description'];

$stmt_seven = $db->prepare('SELECT img, description FROM Videos ORDER BY date LIMIT       
$res_seven = $stmt_seven->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
echo "<br />";
echo"No Content Available Yet..";
foreach($res AS $val) {
foreach($val AS $val1) {
**echo "$val1['img'];
echo "$val1['description'];**    
$db = null;

Except for the typo's that others already pointed out, you are using PDO::FETCH_NUM which "returns an array indexed by column number as returned in your result set, starting at column 0".

Based on your code you want PDO::FETCH_ASSOC which "returns an array indexed by column name as returned in your result set"

Or, you could leave it blank and use the default PDO::FETCH_BOTH which "returns an array indexed by both column name and 0-indexed column number as returned in your result set"

Source: http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetch.php

$res_seven = $stmt_seven->fetchAll [...]
foreach($res as ...

what is $res?

foreach( $resultOfFetchAll as $val) {
  foreach($val as $val1) {
    // now $val1 is the value of a single column, i.e. a scalar or a string
    // but you're trying to access as if it was a row / array

Instead of using fetchAll() and then iterating over that array you can simply pass the PDOStatement object itself to foreach since it implements the traversable interface. Eg

function foo($db) {
    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT img, description FROM Videos ORDER BY date LIMIT 10', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach( $stmt as $row ) {
        echo $row['img'], ' - ', $row['description'], "<br />\n";
    if ( 0===$stmt->rowCount() ) {
        echo "no data yet<br />\n";
    echo "---<br />\n";

$db = new PDO('sqlite::memory:', null, null);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
setup($db, false);
setup($db, true);

// boilerplate/data-source for self-contained example
function setup($pdo, $populate) {
    if ( !$populate ) {
            CREATE TABLE Videos (
    else {
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO Videos (img,description,date) VALUES (?,?,?)');
        for($i=1; $i<21; $i++) {
                sprintf('img%02d', $i),
                sprintf('desc%02d', $i),
                sprintf('2012-01-%02d 12:00:00', $i)


no data yet<br />
---<br />
img01 - desc01<br />
img02 - desc02<br />
img03 - desc03<br />
img04 - desc04<br />
img05 - desc05<br />
img06 - desc06<br />
img07 - desc07<br />
img08 - desc08<br />
img09 - desc09<br />
img10 - desc10<br />
no data yet<br />
---<br />

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