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How to extend a converter in JSF 1.2

I don't like the way f:convertNumber display NaN ( "\�" ) and both of the infinities ( "\∞" ).

Is there a way to extend the out-of-the-box converter in order to inject my own display logic? Thank you.

To do this:

  1. Create a class that extends NumberConverter .
  2. Override the getAsString method by explicitly handling your special values, and deferring to super for all others. Pseudocode:

     getAsString(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent component, Object value) { if (value is NaN) { return your-own-NaN-string; } if (value is infinity) { return your-own-infinity-string; } return super.getAsNumber(ctx, component, value); } 
  3. Register the class as a converter and use it instead of f:convertNumber .

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