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IntelliJ Shortcut to force maven reimport

Does IntelliJ IDEA have a short-cut to force maven project reimport (to reload dependencies). I happen to be working with two dependant projects and I make that action many times during the day.

Thanks in advance.

You can define your own key map in IDE Settings. To do it :

  • Menu File > Settings
  • Under IDE Settings , choose Keymap
  • Expand the tree to Plug-ins > Maven integration
  • You normally see "Reimport All Maven Projects"
  • Right-click on this item and choose a Key or Mouse shortcut.

(I did this with IDEA EAP 12, under windows)

I looked throught keymap reference( Help->Dafault Keymap Reference ) and didn't find anything with maven. But when I make some changes in my pom.xml IDEA shows dialog in which it offer to import all dependencies.

other maven settings you can find in File->Settings->Maven->Import or use combination Shift+CTRL+A and in input field write maven.

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