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Certificate java client https

I have to create a client in java that makes a https connection to a server. I have my certificate that i use with my browser to log into the web site. How can i use the same certificate on my java client? Should i add it to the Keystore?

Thank you

New information: Server and Client are both in the same host -> localhost The Client has to make a request to https:// localhost:8183 I create the user's certificate typing:

$ ./build-key fg1
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out fg1.pfx -inkey fg1.key -in fg1.crt -certfile ca.crt -name default

then i did

$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore fg1.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore VEPClientRestKeyStore.jks  -srcalias default -destalias fg1 -destkeypass <mypassword>

Now i'm really lost.HOw can i use this keystore to connect to server and make requests? Thank you again.

I recently wrote a blog post , complete with examples, for doing this on Android, though the code for making the connection is the same on the desktop.

You basically have two choices - either import the certificate into a java Keystore using keytool as indicated by the post pointed to by tigran, or create the keystore in memory as needed, as in the example that accompanies my blog post.

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