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How to fastClick + AngularJS for iPad

There is a delay when clicking with ng-click on iPad with AngularJS I have the generate directive I need to write

my_app.directive 'touch', ->
  (scope, e, attr) ->
    e.fastClick (e) ->
      scope.$apply attr.fastClick

But it doesn't know what fastClick is even though I've included it in my application. I would think it needs to be created as a service and then injected into my directive, but how?

Just in case someone else finds this, who does not use coffee script, here is the conversion

 app.directive("ngTap", function() {
  return function($scope, $element, $attributes) {
    var tapped;
    tapped = false;
    $element.bind("click", function() {
      if (!tapped) {
        return $scope.$apply($attributes["ngTap"]);
    $element.bind("touchstart", function(event) {
      return tapped = true;
    $element.bind("touchmove", function(event) {
      tapped = false;
      return event.stopImmediatePropagation();
    return $element.bind("touchend", function() {
      if (tapped) {
        return $scope.$apply($attributes["ngTap"]);

it's gfTop, becuase the sample is "good films" app. Feel free to change that to whatever you like.

Also note, that you have to change all your "ng-click"s to "gfTap"s.

UPDATED: to handle tap and click events.

It's pretty simple to implement your own tapping directive without an external library. I would advise that.

Goodfilms went over it in their blog post about their AngularJS mobile app: http://goodfil.ms/blog/posts/2012/08/13/angularjs-and-the-goodfilms-mobile-site-part-1/

Here's their tap code (also in Coffeescript), straight from the blog post:

app.directive 'gfTap', ->
  (scope, element, attrs) ->
    tapping = false
    element.bind 'touchstart', -> tapping = true
    element.bind 'touchmove', -> tapping = false
    element.bind 'touchend', -> scope.$apply(attrs['gfTap']) if tapping

AngularJS 1.1.5 ships with a built-in ng-click directive that handles touch events.

Docs: http://code.angularjs.org/1.1.5/docs/api/ngMobile.directive:ngClick

Source: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/src/ngMobile/directive/ngClick.js

I strongly recommend against implementing a directive like this yourself - there are many edge cases that can break (ghost clicks, etc). Look at the code referenced above for more examples of edge cases that you'll need to handle.

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