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How to define a static method in a superclass to get the properties of a subclass using reflection?

I have a class, BaseClass , that has a GetPropertyByDataMemberName method. This method uses reflection to get the property that has a DataMemberAttribute with a specified name. I want to define it as a static method in BaseClass so I don't have to define it in each subclass.

Problem is, since this method uses reflection to look up the properties, I need to get the current Type somehow in order to call GetProperties . Since it's a static method, I can't call GetType , so I'm at a loss of how to do that!

abstract class BaseClass
    [DataMember(Name = "p1")]
    public int PropertyOne{ get; set; }

    public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyByDataMemberName(string dataMemberName)
        return GetType() // argh! can't call this statically!
            .Where(z => Attribute.IsDefined(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute)))
            .Single(z => ((DataMemberAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute))).Name == dataMemberName);

Why not make it non-static? Well, let's say I have a subclass like this:

class SubClassOne : BaseClass
    [DataMember(Name = "p2")]
    public string PropertyTwo { get; set; }

I want to be able to do something like this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    // print property names
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p1").Name);   // should work
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p2").Name);   // should not work
    Console.WriteLine(SubClassOne.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p1").Name); // should work
    Console.WriteLine(SubClassOne.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p2").Name); // should work

I've tried making GetPropertyByDataMemberName use typeof(BaseClass) , but that only gets the properties of BaseClass , not any of the subclasses.

public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyByDataMemberName(string dataMemberName)
    return typeof(BaseClass)
        .GetProperties() // only gets properties of BaseClass
        .Where(z => Attribute.IsDefined(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute)))
        .Single(z => ((DataMemberAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute))).Name == dataMemberName);

So, how to do this?

You can use generics to achieve this:

public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyByDataMemberName<T>(string dataMemberName)
    where T : BaseClass
    return typeof(T)
        .Where(z => Attribute.IsDefined(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute)))
        .Single(z => ((DataMemberAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute))).Name == dataMemberName);

// Shortcut overload for properties on BaseClass.
public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyByDataMemberName(string dataMemberName)
    return GetPropertyByDataMemberName<BaseClass>(dataMemberName);

You would call it like this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p1").Name);   // should work
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName("p2").Name);   // should not work
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName<SubClassOne>("p1").Name); // should work
    Console.WriteLine(BaseClass.GetPropertyByDataMemberName<SubClassOne>("p2").Name); // should work

Try this:

public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyByDataMemberName(string dataMemberName)
    var st = new StackTrace();

    var type = ((System.Reflection.MemberInfo)(st.GetFrame(0).GetMethod())).ReflectedType;
    return type // argh! can't call this statically!
        .Where(z => Attribute.IsDefined(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute)))
        .Single(z => ((DataMemberAttribute)Attribute
            .GetCustomAttribute(z, typeof(DataMemberAttribute))).Name == dataMemberName);

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