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How do I make a JButton with an anonymous innerclass actionlistener remove itself on click?

Hello and thanks for reading this in advance, here is my problem:

final JButton button = new JButton();

        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent)

I have tried all those to just make that button go away, I have disabled it aswell, but I need it to just go away, not fade out or something. the background is variabel so I can't make it so it has the same color as it and pretend it's not there. Does anyone have any clue at all how to make it go away?

EDIT : I've tried all answers uptill now and would really like to thank you, but the button's still there :(

EDIT2 : I think I've made quite a big mistake constantly adding buttons because of my timer, thanks for all the help, this still was very usefull!

EDIT3 : Thank you all very much, I have fixed the problem with your guys' help :)

If you want to remove the button:

Container parent = button.getParent();
((JComponent) parent).revalidate();

if you want to remove action listener from the button:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent)

If you don't need it after you 'dispose' of it, feel free to remove it from the parent.


Else, follow HoverCraftFullOfEel's advice.

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