cost 491 ms
Acumos Installation

need some help getting acumos running. Have VM with Ubuntu 20.04.4 Followed flow-1 here: ...

Data Pipelines not available

When I open Home / Design Studio / ML Workbench / Data Pipelines An error occurred: Server is not available.Error: connect ECONNREFUSED 10.104.209. ...

2019-10-22 09:19:06   1   13    acumos  
Some problems about acumos platform

Thanks again for Bryan's guidance. With AIO3.0.1, Acumos platform under k8s has been successfully installed and the platform website can be accessed s ...

2019-10-16 12:50:18   2   167    acumos  
Can't access the Acumos portal

Background: VMware15.0 ubuntu16.04-64bit 32G RAM + 16Core CPU /etc/hosts: localhost Doing this (and typing the sudo password when pr ...

2019-09-25 11:36:01   1   184    acumos  
CDS API is not ready after 300 seconds

Background: VMware15.0 ubuntu16.04-64bit 32G RAM + 16Core CPU /etc/hosts: localhost Doing this (and typing the sudo password when prom ...

2019-09-24 02:52:15   1   25    acumos  
Errors trying to install Acumos

Background: VMware15.0 ubuntu16.04-64bit 32G RAM + 16Core CPU /etc/hosts: localhost Doing this (and typing the sudo password when prom ...

2019-09-17 09:49:51   1   37    acumos  
nexus status is Pending

When I deploy the Acumos used the command“bash 2>&1 | tee aio_deploy.log” it is not successful and print out “nexus status i ...

2019-09-03 09:11:01   3   42    acumos  
Acumos Boreas installation fails

I am trying to install the Boreas release of Acumos on a Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine (6 CPUs, 16GB RAM and 200GB Disk). I have setup Docker and Kube ...

2019-07-19 13:45:29   1   71    acumos  

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