cost 266 ms
Stack bounds checking on the Amiga 500

I have a 68000 assembly language program running on my Commodore Amiga 500 that could potentially use a lot of stack space, so I want to do bounds che ...

2020-05-03 17:10:02   1   102    amiga  
develop a game for an old system

I have a school programming project, the subject is free as long as we demonstrate our programming skills, I have an amiga 500 lying around and i wond ...

2018-10-16 05:48:30   3   731    amiga  
WPF Boing demo needs life support

Remember the Amiga boing demo? I was reading a 25th anniversary of the Amiga article and they mentioned it. Brought back some memories. I remember a W ...

2010-07-28 18:56:36   1   184    wpf / xaml / amiga  

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