cost 262 ms
Result attached or exception

Let's say that I have a function f which should return an attached T by calling g. However, g returns a detachable T. If g results in a Void, I want t ...

Exit program in Eiffel

Is there a way in Eiffel to exit a program, possible with a defined exit code like exit in C? In my case I would like to just end the program like ex ...

2021-02-19 22:31:26   1   33    eiffel  
referencing typed element of tuple

Discovering late (used to define classes instead) TUPLES and looking through the documentation I was wondering if there is a mechanism to get the righ ...


When to use which type of STRING in eiffel? I saw using READABLE_STRING_GENERAL and having to l_readable_string.out' to convert it to STRING` ...

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