cost 75 ms
Esky patching procedure

I'm trying to auto update using Esky differential patches, but I haven't been able to get the app to update using only those differential patches. It ...

2016-02-13 18:27:03   1   77    esky  
Esky, no frozen versions found

Just following an online tutorial to get a grasp of Esky.tutorial here - at correct timestamp I can get the "" file to run, without Esky ...

Why does esky create 2 executables?

esky 0.9.8 creates 2 executables of my application. There is an inner executable that weights less then the outer executable. I would like to know if ...

2015-04-22 10:13:28   1   49    python / esky  
Esky not including sub-module

I have a medium-size PyQT5 desktop application that has been working fine with py2app. I want to incorporate Esky so that the app can update itself, b ...

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