cost 117 ms
Etherpad Ui authentication

I have to implement authorization to access the etherpad UI so that it could not be public url. For this, when i set the setting "requireAuthenticati ...

2021-02-16 11:14:05   1   51    etherpad  
etherpad lite api listAll failed

In etherpad lite I try to list pads or groups with the api. But I reveive the following message: I've writen an Java-Application doing and I've tri ...

2020-09-16 14:34:10   1   137    api / etherpad  
Establishing session in etherpad

I can not figure out how can i pass session credentials to and etherpad pad. I always get a message from the etherpad pad like "You do not have permis ...

2018-08-26 18:29:05   1   102    etherpad  

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