cost 241 ms
ftplugin default configuration

I have found several topics that come close to matching my issue but, does not completely solve my problem. I have read about, and tried researching, ...

2019-02-25 21:37:05   1   55    vim / ftplugin  
VIM - ftplugin doesn't seem to work

I'm using spf13's vim distribution I have been trying to use 2 spaces instead of 4 spaces for .js files, for that ...

2014-07-05 13:55:45   1   3408    vim / ftplugin  
Use common code for filetype plugin

I have a common set of commands that I want to run in several different Vim filetype plugins. For instance, for html, xml, and xhtml, there are severa ...

2014-05-06 14:15:18   1   264    vim / ftplugin  

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