cost 207 ms
Proper handling of IDoc errors?

I have implemented a JCoIDocHandler for SAP, everything worked fine, but our partner company changed something with the user rights and now the handle ...

creating an xsd of Idoc file

We are currently planning on communicating with a partner that is running SAP via Idoc files .xml We already communicate via .xml but with our schema ...

2019-07-30 09:12:22   2   451    xsd / idoc  
Parse SAP idoc into Java object

I am trying to parse an SAP idoc XML string into a Java object. I tried using the artifact into my maven project. This does ...

2018-11-08 10:19:29   1   265    java / sap / idoc  
How IDoc are stored/used in SAP

I am struggling to understand how IDoc are used in SAP. What an IDoc is I understand but I have a few questions about how this IDoc are used by SAP (c ...

2018-09-07 08:45:15   3   400    sap / idoc  
Sending iDOC from Java to SAP

We have iDOC files that are generated from our system. Now we are trying to send them to SAP via RFC connection. I already etablished an RFC connectio ...

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