cost 435 ms
Igor Make a new wave

I have 2 waves of data. Z_EC is proton number, N_EC is neutron number, and EC_pure is a flagged wave based on certain perimeters, I.E. flag "1" if mee ...

2020-07-31 16:24:45   2   40    igor  
Igor Net_CDF loading error

I am trying to load in .nc files into Igor using the following line I have the Load_NetCDF installed and have used it a lot - it definitely works a ...

2015-05-12 00:04:46   1   166    netcdf / igor  
Create folder on desktop in Igor

I'm wondering if anybody knows how to create a folder on the desktop of your computer using code in Igor. I know how to delete a folder on my physic ...

2015-04-23 19:55:42   1   172    igor  
Setting Up an If loop in a For loop

I have two tables set up. Table 1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Table 2 = [554, 543, 554, 544, 564, 553] All am trying to do is the following: (1) I want ...

2014-01-07 21:41:35   2   306    igor  

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