cost 187 ms
jqMath does not display equations

I added all the files that I downloaded from here in the assets folder but all I get when I run the app is $$x={-b±√{b^2-4ac}}/{2a}$$ instead of the ...

root sign ugly in chrome using jqMath

I changed from using MathJAX to jqMath recently, but I'm having trouble displaying roots with another base than 2: √^a{b^c} will display correctly in ...

2016-09-25 05:44:09   1   114    jqmath  
How to use jqMath in Android Studio

I'm a beginner in Android. I want to display Mathematical and Science Formula. I have heard abt the jqMath, I did lots of search on it. But I couldn't ...

jqmath can not render matrix?

I want to write table(matrix) with jqmath but the output is not correct . I copy jqmath example . there is my code : the output is linear matrix li ...

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