cost 274 ms
Golang asks for GOROOT in liteIDE

I use Go on Windows 10 and am having problem. I've tried running a basic 'Hello, world' Go program using LiteIDE but when run it returns next error: ...

2021-12-06 11:55:21   1   27    go / liteide  
Browser shows previous response

I run the code and browser showed a response as expected: Welcome then, after some time I try to change the output but have found that the output d ...

2019-01-02 12:35:02   2   48    go / liteide  
LiteIDE for GO: cannot run delve

I'm running on OSX 10.12.2 the LiteIDE X30.3, XCode 8.2. I just installed delve and re-run LiteIDE, when I try to run the debugger I get the following ...

2016-12-19 10:18:18   1   424    liteide  
LiteIDE for Go: Playground Errors

I am using Mac OS X version X27.2.1of liteIDE. I am able to build and run .go files fine however when I try to run code in the playground, I get the ...

2015-09-05 19:12:31   1   824    go / liteide  
LiteIDE removes imports when you save

The behaviour of liteIDE is bit strange. I did go get the mgo.v2 packages and the gopath is correct. The autocomplete works when i manually put the im ...

2014-11-16 04:57:55   1   337    go / liteide  
LiteIDE GDB with Golang

I installed LiteIDE and GDB. I opened my Go project in LiteIDE and added a breakpoint to some point in the code. Then i switched back to terminal and ...

2014-09-28 23:52:32   2   2524    go / liteide  
Space of Tab symbol in LiteIDE

Can I adjust the space setting of tab symbol in LiteIDE. The space is different with other editors. I tried to find it but cannot find out how to adju ...

2014-08-21 03:27:26   1   494    go / liteide  
My go binaries end up in the src folder

My binaries end up in the src folder and I have no idea why. I want them to end up in gopath/bin (since that is the default? and since I don't want bi ...

2014-08-05 11:27:45   2   13457    go / liteide  
LiteIDE no autocomplete

I'm trying to use LiteIDE (the Go IDE) on Linux 32-bit. Everything works except for autocomplete. Builds, running, everything works. The gocode binary ...

2013-11-09 14:08:36   4   4628    ide / go / liteide  

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