cost 94 ms
MAGMA in google colab

i always get the following error "Error in magma_getdevice_arch: MAGMA not initialized (call magma_init() first) or bad device" whenever i run a very ...

Why isn't Magma 2.5 compilable?

I am trying to compile Magma 2.5 on my laptop with NVIDIA GTX 960M, and it always prompts the linkage problem. I have upgraded cmake version to thew ...

2019-04-27 00:45:49   1   71    magma  
matrix max a la matlab on gpu

I'm porting some code from Matlab to run on an Nvidia GPU. I can't figure out a way to do the following: where A and B are matrices. In words, I ne ...

Load and run a script in Magma;

I am using Magma in Windows (C:\program files\magma). I have some scripts xyz.m in the D:\scripts directory. I can't figure out how to load the script ...

2016-07-08 19:23:40   1   372    magma  

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