cost 138 ms
made simplified Abbyy xml

I had made the simplifed abbyy XML after that I need to make the rest API from mendix.Can anyone guide how we import the xml document in Mendix or any ...

Mendix Retrieve last input value

In mendix i have 2 pages: Course Overview and Course_newEdit. As the names suggest overview i the overview page and the second one is edit page. The ...

2021-08-06 05:11:15   2   292    mendix  
Customize the color of a progress circle

I'm using the "Progress circle" widget (version 2.0.0) in Mendix Studio Pro 9.2.0, and I would like to individually change the color(s) of each one of ...

2021-06-02 10:54:48   1   53    mendix  
How to Configure Google OCR in Mendix?

Can any one please tell me that How to configure Google OCR Module in Mendix application? I have gone through the documentation but still I didn’t ge ...

2020-10-15 08:16:06   1   75    mendix  

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