cost 266 ms
msf4j support for cors

I created a microservice using MSF4J and tested the resources with postman all works fine but when I use it with a Angular 5 client app; the browser s ...

msf4j Runnable/Thread

I try to make my msf4j jar become runnable (public class abcService implements Runnable, Microservice) When i deployed the jar to wso2 msf4j container ...

Problems with MSF4J and @MatrixParam

Folks, I have found what seems to be a problem with / (bug in ?) MSF4J as including an @MatrixParam annotated variable in a URI causes the affected (m ...

2017-06-01 11:52:53   1   50    wso2 / msf4j  
WSO2IS JWT access token

I am trying get a JWT access token from WSO2 IS. I followed instructions from msf4j Oauth2 Security Sample, and managed to get a JWT acces token by re ...

spring custom scan in msf4j

I have an msf4j application in package com.a.sample1 and I want to scan some component in com.a.sample2. Is there a way to do it in msf4j? I am using: ...

wso2 - WSF4J Service --deploy

how to deploy a microservice writted by WSF4J? like this: Navigate to the /bin directory and run the following command to start the MSF4J server. ./c ...

2016-12-20 03:35:09   1   496    wso2 / msf4j  

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