cost 235 ms
Switching in Netwire

I've been looking for a while, and I think I'm misunderstanding something fundamental regarding switching. Consider the following code Note I'm bei ...

Haskell Netwire: wires of wires

I'm playing around with the netwire package trying to get a feel for FRP, and I have a quick question. Starting with the following simple wires, I'm ...

Use of `periodic` in NetWire 5

Consider the following code: As you can imagine, testWire will run the wire as fast as it can and print the output to screen. But what if I want to ...

Correct use of Netwire (5)

I've been wanting to give FRP a shot for a while now, and yesterday I finally bit the bullet and had a go, using Netwire 5 to begin with (a fairly arb ...

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