cost 172 ms
Does NHAML require ASP.NET MVC?

Couldn't find this directly on the NHAML project page, so i was wondering if you need to run the ASP.NET MVC in order to use NHaml or if I can use thi ...

2010-11-24 08:42:05   2   215    nhaml  
NHaml - still active?

I accidentally stumbled across NHaml and really like what I have seen of it. However, checking the blogs of the authors and Google group reveals that ...

2009-09-08 10:12:02   3   899    nhaml  
NHAML Directives

Does anyone know how to use directives (ex. @ Import) with NHAML? ...

2009-04-28 03:43:48   1   145    nhaml  
NHAML Radio Button Syntax

Does anyone know the correct syntax for a selected radio button in NHAML? This is my current NHAML code: %input{type="radio", name="Relocation", val ...

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