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Add non-standard segments with nhapi

My system has to generate an xml in which the node ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL must contain the node ORM_O01.OBRRQDRQ1RXOODSODT_SUPPGRP, because it has to co ...

2019-10-28 17:48:45   1   120    mirth / nhapi  
NHAPI C# 3.5 parsing orm_001 2.3

I am having trouble putting a structure on this message. It is an order message. When it casts it stays null so orm001 is always null. I used some oth ...

2018-09-15 05:50:17   1   109    c# / hl7 / nhapi  
NHapi using

I am using nHapi in to convert hl7 messages to xml format using the following code. My code: Now it shows: Can anyone please tell me why? ...

NHAPI 2.5.1 VXU missing RXA segment

It appears that NHAPI VXU_V04 (Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update) class is missing support for the RXA segment (Pharmacy/Treatment Administration) ...

Extract PDF from HL7

I am writing a program in C# that will parse the HL7 message and will write the data to a Text File. The HL7 also contains an embedded PDF in base64 f ...

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