cost 280 ms
Obfuscar for core 3.1

In the ASP.NET Core 3.1 app, the given path in the obfuscar.xml is correct but it is not able to find the assembly/Failed to resolve assembly: The ...

2020-07-23 08:51:39   2   1054    obfuscar  
How to install and use obfuscar?

I just finished my C# project(WPF), but now I meet problems on using "obfuscar" (another applicaion would be welcome, if easier to use). Of course I ...

2017-05-12 11:32:22   7   17474    c# / obfuscar  
Obfuscar tool ForceStringHiding

After hours finally got why my app crashes after obfuscating by Obfuscar. That is StringHiding in MyClass. So settings for module now is Now I need ...

rename an internal class with Obfuscar

I need Obfuscar to obfuscate (rename) internal classes such as Secret1 in the following. This is a minimal WPF application with ancillary public and i ...

2015-01-19 19:09:21   1   529    obfuscar  

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