cost 87 ms
Brokerless Messaging C#

I have a number of WPF clients on the same corporate network. I want these clients to share messages with each other. I don't want to run a separate s ...

P2P vs DDNS ? What should be used?

I'm trying to build a multi-client/multi-server application Clients includes computers, smartphones, .. etc So they could be with static or dynamic IP ...

PNRP + dont see Global_ on Windows 7

Im trying to test out PNRP in a simple app that either registers or resolves. On my Vista machine when i run 'netsh p2p pnrp cloud show list' .... I s ...

2009-12-02 19:01:11   1   836    .net / pnrp  
PNRP - How does it work?

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but im actually having a hard time finding a straight answer. I know PNRP is MS's technology for implementi ...

WCF Peer to peer chat

I wrote some code for a WCF P2P chat program. I then host the service as follows: The problem is I can send a message to the same instance of th ...

2009-10-05 13:21:31   1   2010    wcf / p2p / pnrp  
PNRP Global_ stuck on Alone

I have two installations of Windows 7. a 64bit version on my hard disk, and a 32bit version installed as a bootable VHD. on my the 64bit version, I c ...

PNRP Speed

Just curious to know what your experiences with PNRP are? I have been using WCF to code up a peer to peer application using WCF. I support 2 differen ...

2009-07-06 05:06:43   1   341    wcf / pnrp  

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