cost 119 ms
QFTP commandFinished is sent too early

QT version 5.4. I am trying to download all the files from a specific directory, with QFtp. Sometimes the signal commandFinished(int, bool) is sent ...

2016-03-01 10:52:54   2   200    c++ / qt / qftp  
Qt, QCoreApplication and QFtp

I want to use QFtp for the first time and googled a lot to find out how it should be used. This, among others is a typical example: The question: ...

QFTP signals are not emitted?

Hi I've written a simple FTP code to upload images into a FTP server. Now the problem is that commandStarted(int) and commandFinished(int,bool) signa ...

2014-06-29 08:50:09   1   449    c++ / qt / qftp  
QFtp Get never emits commandFinished()

I am currently facing a weird problem concerning QFtp. I want to download a bunch of files from a FTP server but when I come to some point, after down ...

2014-05-16 15:00:31   2   1097    qt / ftp / qftp  
QFtp won't work

I feel like I'm probably missing something very easy here, but I'm at a loss to figure out what. I have a C++ function (with Qt 4.7) where I need to a ...

Download a directory with QFtp

I want to download all the files of a directory in the server. So, I do: I connect the signal listInfo, and I implemented the slot like this: My ...

2013-07-21 10:09:36   1   726    qt / ftp / qftp  
QFtp download location issue

I just wrote tiny ftp client using Qt. The problem is when I download, the ftp->get() command downloads the file to the default location. I'd like ...

2011-01-03 10:24:03   1   830    qt / ftp / qftp  
qftp mput rawcommand

I have a doubt regarding multiple file transfer with qftp. There is no direct way to transfer multiple files with qftp class. Well, I tried it using a ...

2010-04-21 13:46:09   1   498    ftp / qt4 / qftp  

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