cost 131 ms
Rdoc: How to document delegation?

My class delegates a method to another object (which I'll call the helper object). I want to include documentation of that method in the delegating cl ...

2021-01-04 15:58:01   1   68    ruby / rdoc  
How to document a file with RDoc

After searching the RDoc documentation I can't find how to document a file / a top-level method in RDoc... Suppose I have the following code : Run ...

2018-05-11 02:22:47   1   102    ruby / rdoc  
Line continuation in rdoc

I have inherited a bunch of Ruby code with rdoc comments, but many of the options and attributes are multi-line, such as: The end result is really ...

2018-03-10 00:01:12   1   57    rdoc / yard  

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