cost 155 ms
Timeout for SDLNet_TCP_Recv?

Is there any way to cancel a SDLNet_TCP_Recv call after some time when no answer arrives? Or are there alternatives to this function that support a ti ...

SDLNet detect not existing host

SDLNet_ResolveHost always return 0 no matter if there is any host on that IP and port. According to the documentation it should return -1 when an erro ...

Link SDL2_net with CMake

I'm trying to link SDL2_net (SDL_net 2.0) to my project via CMake, but after searching around I've yet to find a solution. My CMakeLists.txt currently ...

sdl_net udp server setup

I've looked at tutorials and many other places on how to do this however I'm still having trouble getting this to work. Interestingly enough I did fin ...

2017-03-17 18:42:35   1   907    c++ / sdl-net  
Thread query SDL_Net

Running my listen function in a seperate thread seems to use up a lot of CPU Is it considered ok to use Delays to reduce cpu usage or am I using threa ...

SDL_net doesn't receive UDP packets

I'm trying to communicate with my esp8266 and as you can see, I successfully receive a packet from it every 2 seconds: wireshark screenshot wireshar ...

2016-04-24 02:18:29   1   159    c / sdl / sdl-net  
SDL_net UDP Packet data

I'm new to network programming. I've done a little bit with TCP sockets, and I'm trying my had at a simple UDP client(s)/server. I'm using the SDL_n ...


I am trying to use CPP and SDL_Net to make a HTTP Client. I'm using a char [] buffer to send and receive information. Basically, I connect to the sit ...

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