cost 505 ms
Snort and Pulledpork3

I am trying to get Snort up and running and I have followed the "Snort on Ubuntu 18 & 20" guide and I have it all configured, but I can't ...

2023-01-25 15:42:51   1   15    snort  
How to view snort.log files

enter image description here My snort.log file is completely empty and my snort.log.xxxxx files contain the characters @#... I already know how to re ...

2021-11-12 02:07:45   2   123    snort  
Snort pcap_inject not located

I try to experiment the Intrusion Detection System(IDS) using Snort,I installed Snort and WinPcap packages after that I copy the Rules file and paste ...

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