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SOAP using soap4r Ruby

When I try to access it from a browser by pointing to localhost:8080 its gives me the following error "[2013-08-08T16:31:19.040360 #4840] ERROR -- s ...

soap4r SOAP::FaultError

I am new to soap and I am having the problems with it already! I am using soap4r gem. And I initialize the rpc driver as follows: When I visit t ...

Ruby SOAP proxy classes

I am working with a complicated SOAP service and I was wondering if there is a ruby tool that allows you to generate proxy classes with all the method ...

Ruby webservices - xmlparser issue

After trying to set up webservice setup using Ruby I encountered problems with xmlparser. As I see - it is common problem (e.g. Ruby soap4r wsdl2ruby. ...

Parse WSDL file with SOAP4R

Is there any example of WSDL Parser using SOAP4R? I'm trying to list all operations of WSDL file but I can't figure it out :( Can you post me some tut ...

Change dependent gem

I need switching gem on which other gem relies. So in particular: i have adwords4r gem which relies to old soap4r(which has issues on 1.9.2). I want ...

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