cost 437 ms
Using Timex Interval

I've got with [start_date, end_date] = [~N[2019-02-12 00:00:00.000000, ~N[2019-02-15 00:00:00.000000] The problem is, this generates the dates: ...

2019-02-18 15:04:26   1   22    elixir / timex  
Generate a list of dates

Let's say I'm using Timex as follows: I want to generate a list of dates, one day apart. How do I go from this to a list? ...

2019-02-15 15:29:16   2   57    elixir / timex  
Format date with Elixir

I'm trying to format the Timex module to look a certain way. I'm trying to get today's date. but I want it formatted like this: 2017/12/12. year/mn/ ...

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