cost 80 ms
Can't Log in on Usercake

Im trying to integrate usercake onto my website. I installed it and registered an account. When i try to login with that account, the browser loads th ...

PHP Construct Usage

I'm learning how to use classes properly... I'm looking at usercake and most of it makes sense, however I'm not sure what the __construct function is ...

2014-04-02 14:44:42   3   179    php / usercake  
List Dir not functioning as expected

I have used usercake to make a login system, I am now altering it to suit my needs. Originally I a list dir setup on the page to show all of the "hel ...

2014-03-06 09:21:17   1   40    php / usercake  
Echoing an image link breaks my code

I am using usercake to generate links to different permissions. All works fine if I want hyperlinks, I added in an image bit and it broke the code, i ...

2014-02-12 10:20:27   3   80    php / usercake  
PHP code showing in HTML

There's probably an obvious answer to this but I'm new to the world of PHP.. So I have $dbpages = fetchAllPagesD($path."/"); in my PHP code for UserC ...

2013-07-16 15:47:26   1   283    php / usercake  

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