cost 113 ms
VRTK valid object policy

How do I limit the VRTK snap drop zone so that I can only drop one specific object in the zone? I tried to add the vrtk valid policy list where specif ...

2019-03-08 09:54:09   1   28    unity3d / vrtk  
What is zinnia for unity

It was called vrtk.unity.core but now it's called zinnia? Is this a new product or is it just a simple name change from the previous repository? Do ...

2019-01-22 10:24:47   1   618    unity3d / vrtk  
Game mesh goes crazy

I have experienced a strange issue where my gameobject meshes go crazy upon picking them up. It's only for specific meshes for which some of them only ...

VRTK_ControllerEvents returning null

I am trying to make a gun in Unity with SteamVR and VRTK but I can't figure out how to properly get controller input. When I use the SteamVR Tracked C ...

2017-09-16 05:39:10   1   212    unity3d / vrtk  

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