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[英]Separating a string using predefined characters

我输入的文字是“ Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada. I have 2 pets. One is a dog and the other is a Zebra. Ahoi! Thanks. Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada. I have 2 pets. One is a dog and the other is a Zebra. Ahoi! Thanks.

我想把这句话从. 和“!”,我该怎么做。 我也想知道句子是从什么字符中分离出来的。



Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada || The sentence was split with .


Ahoi! || The sentence was split with !

我怎样才能做到这一点? 到目前为止我的工作:

print (text.split('.')) -这只会打断句子. ,而且我无法确定它曾经用来拆分什么字符。


re.split('[.!]', text)


>>> import re
>>> text = 'Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada. I have 2 pets. One is a dog and the other is a Zebra. Ahoi! Thanks.'
>>> re.split('[.!]', text)
['Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada', ' I have 2 pets', ' One is a dog and the other is a Zebra', ' Ahoi', ' Thanks', '']


>>> re.split('([.!])', text)
['Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada', '.', ' I have 2 pets', '.', ' One is a dog and the other is a Zebra', '.', ' Ahoi', '!', ' Thanks', '.', '']


>>> re.findall('[^.!]+?[.!]', text)
['Hi, my name is Will, And i am from Canada.', ' I have 2 pets.', ' One is a dog and the other is a Zebra.', ' Ahoi!', ' Thanks.']
>>> sp=re.split('(\.)|(!)','aaa.bbb!ccc!ddd.eee')
>>> sp
['aaa', '.', None, 'bbb', None, '!', 'ccc', None, '!', 'ddd', '.', None, 'eee']
>>> sp[::3] # the result
['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'eee']
>>> sp[1::3] # where matches `.`
['.', None, None, '.']
>>> sp[2::3] # where matches `!`
[None, '!', '!', None]


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