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使用Unity3D将Camera Smooth从UnityScript跟随2D到C#

[英]Camera Smooth Follow 2D from UnityScript to C# using Unity3D

我正在制作要在Unity3D的Main Camera对象上使用的脚本,以便相机在2D平台游戏世界中跟随角色。



var cameraTarget : GameObject;
var player : GameObject;

var smoothTime : float = 0,1;
var cameraFollowX : boolean = true;
var cameraFollowY : boolean = true;
var cameraFollowHeight : boolean = false;
var cameraHeight : float = 2.5;
var velocity : Vector2;
private var thisTransform : Transform;

function Start ()
  thisTransform = transform;

function Update () 

if (cameraFollowX)
  thisTransform.position.x = Mathf.SmoothDamp (thisTransform.position.x, cameraTarget.transform.position.x, velocity.x, smoothTime);

if (cameraFollowY)
  thisTransform.position.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp (thisTransform.position.y, cameraTarget.transform.position.y, velocity.y, smoothTime);

if (!cameraFollowX & cameraFollowHeight)
  camera.transform.position.y = cameraHeight;



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraSmoothFollow : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject cameraTarget; // object to look at or follow
    public GameObject player; // player object for moving

    public float smoothTime = 0.1f; // time for dampen
    public bool cameraFollowX = true; // camera follows on horizontal
    public bool cameraFollowY = true; // camera follows on vertical
    public bool cameraFollowHeight = true; // camera follow CameraTarget object height
    public float cameraHeight = 2.5f; // height of camera adjustable
    public Vector2 velocity; // speed of camera movement

    private Transform thisTransform; // camera Transform

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        thisTransform = transform;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
        if (cameraFollowX){
            thisTransform.position.x = Mathf.SmoothDamp (thisTransform.position.x, cameraTarget.transform.position.x, ref velocity.x, smoothTime); // Here i get the error
        if (cameraFollowY) {
        // to do    
        if (!cameraFollowX & cameraFollowHeight) {
        // to do


发生此错误的原因是Transform.position是值类型(可能是struct )。 这意味着,当您访问position的X属性时,您正在访问的是COPY而不是真实的东西。 要分配给position属性,您需要创建一个新的Vector3并将其分配给position属性。 您的代码将如下所示:

thisTransform.position = new Vector3 (Mathf.SmoothDamp (thisTransform.position.x, cameraTarget.transform.position.x, ref velocity.x, smoothTime), thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z);


float tempX = new Vector3 (Mathf.SmoothDamp (thisTransform.position.x, cameraTarget.transform.position.x, ref velocity.x, smoothTime);
thisTransform.position = new Vector3 (tempX, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z);


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class FollowCamera : MonoBehaviour {

public float interpVelocity;
public float minDistance;
public float followDistance;
public GameObject target;
public Vector3 offset;
Vector3 targetPos;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    targetPos = transform.position;

// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
    if (target)
        Vector3 posNoZ = transform.position;
        posNoZ.z = target.transform.position.z;

        Vector3 targetDirection = (target.transform.position - posNoZ);

        interpVelocity = targetDirection.magnitude * 5f;

        targetPos = transform.position + (targetDirection.normalized * interpVelocity * Time.deltaTime); 

        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp( transform.position, targetPos + offset, 0.25f);




如果是Update() ,则会发生照相机震动。


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