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[英]How to make an object “fly” towards the mouse XNA

我试图使对象每次单击时都向鼠标滑动。 它会不断地前进。 现在,如果我单击它的前面(上方或下方),它会沿大致方向移动,但角度错误。 当我单击它的后面时,它只会减慢很多速度,并且离它最近的移动非常缓慢。

if (isdown()) //if the mouse is clicked
    double paulx = Paullocation.X + radius; //midpoints of object
    double pauly = Paullocation.Y + radius;
    double targetx = ms.X; //clicked location
    double targety = ms.Y;
    if (isdown(Keys.Space)) //if space is pressed
        double hypotenuse = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(paulx - targetx, 2) + Math.Pow(pauly - targety, 2));
        //finds hypotenuse^
        double xcomponent = targetx - paulx; //finds both legs of triangle
        double ycomponent = targety - pauly; //that is made by mouse

        Paulincrement.X = (float)Math.Cos(xcomponent / hypotenuse); //main issue
        Paulincrement.Y = (float)Math.Sin(ycomponent / hypotenuse); //main issue

Paullocation.X += Paulincrement.X;
Paullocation.Y += Paulincrement.Y;

如果PaullocationVector2 ,则可以简单地计算其位置与您用鼠标单击的坐标之间的差,然后对其进行归一化,即可得到要遵循的方向。

Vector2 direction = new Vector2(mouse.X, mouse.Y) - Paullocation;

Paullocation += direction * speed;


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