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[英]How to code a multiparameter log-likelihood function in R

我想估计以下问题的力量。 我有兴趣比较两组都遵循Weibull分布。 因此,A组有两个参数(形状par = a1,scale par = b1),两个参数有B组(a2,b2)。 通过模拟感兴趣分布的随机变量(例如假设不同的尺度和形状参数,即a1 = 1.5 * a2,b1 = b2 * 0.5;或者组之间的差异只是形状或尺度参数),应用log-似然比测试以测试a1 = a2和b1 = b2(或者例如a1 = a1,当我们知道b1 = b2时),并估计测试的功效。


也就是说,对于简化模型(当a1 = a2,b1 = b2时),精确和区间删失数据的对数似然是:

LL.reduced.exact <- function(par,data){sum(log(dweibull(data,shape=par[1],scale=par[2])))};
LL.reduced.interval.censored<-function(par, data.lower, data.upper) {sum(log((1-pweibull(data.lower, par[1], par[2])) – (1-pweibull(data.upper, par[1],par[2]))))}

什么是完整模型,当a1!= a2,b1!= b2时,考虑到两种不同的观测方案,即当必须估计4个参数时(或者,如果有兴趣查看形状参数的差异,必须估计3个参数)?

是否有可能估计它为不同的组建立两个对数似然并将它们加在一起(即LL.full <-LL.group1 + LL.group2 )?

关于区间删失数据的对数似然,删失是非信息性的,所有观察都是间隔删失的。 任何更好的想法如何执行此任务将不胜感激。

请在下面找到R代码以获取确切数据以说明问题。 非常感谢你提前。

R Code:    
# n (sample size) = 500
# sim (number of simulations) = 1000
# alpha  = .05
# Parameters of Weibull distributions: 
   #group 1: a1=1, b1=20
   #group 2: a2=1*1.5 b2=b1

#OR: a1=1, b1=20, a2=a1*1.5, b2=b1*0.5 

# the main question is how to build this log-likelihood model, when a1!=a2, and b1=b2
# (or a1!=a2, and b1!=b2)
LL.reduced <- function(par,data){sum(log(dweibull(data,shape=par[1],scale=par[2])))}

LR.test<-function(red,full,df) {


for (i in 1:sim) {

RV1<-rweibull (n, a1, b1)
RV2<-rweibull (n, a2, b2)
RV.Total<-c(RV1, RV2)

par.start<-c(1, 15)

mle.full<- ????????????  
mle.reduced<-optim(par.start, LL, data=RV.Total, control=list(fnscale=-1))


LRT<-LR.test(LL.reduced, LL.full, 1)

rejections<-c(rejections, rejections1)

sum(table(rejections)[[2]])/sim   # estimated power

是的,您可以将两组的对数似然性相加(如果它们是单独计算的)。 就像你将观测矢量的对数似然加起来一样,每个观测都有不同的生成参数。

我更倾向于根据一个大矢量(即形状参数)来思考,该矢量包含根据协变量的结构(即,组成员资格)而变化的值。 在线性模型上下文中,该向量可以等于线性预测器(一旦通过链接函数适当地变换):设计矩阵的点积和回归系数的向量。


## setup true values
nobs = 50 ## number of observations
a1 = 1  ## shape for first group
b1 = 2  ## scale parameter for both groups
beta = c(a1, a1 * 1.5)  ## vector of linear coefficients (group shapes)

## model matrix for full, null models
mm_full = cbind(grp1 = rep(c(1,0), each = nobs), grp2 = rep(c(0,1), each = nobs))
mm_null = cbind(grp1 = rep(1, nobs*2))

## shape parameter vector for the full, null models
shapes_full = mm_full %*% beta ## different shape parameters by group (full model)
shapes_null = mm_null %*% beta[1] ## same shape parameter for all obs
scales = rep(b1, length(shapes_full)) ## scale parameters the same for both groups

## simulate response from full model
response = rweibull(length(shapes_full), shapes_full, scales)

## the log likelihood for the full, null models:
LL_full = sum(dweibull(response, shapes_full, scales, log = T)) 
LL_null = sum(dweibull(response, shapes_null, scales, log = T)) 

## likelihood ratio test
LR_test = function(LL_null, LL_full, df) {
    LR = -2 * (LL_null - LL_full) ## test statistic
    pchisq(LR, df = df, ncp = 0, lower = F) ## probability of test statistic under central chi-sq distribution
LR_test(LL_null, LL_full, 1) ## 1 degrees freedom (1 parameter added)


## (negative) log-likelihood function
LL_weibull = function(par, data, mm, inv_link_fun = function(.) .){
    P = ncol(mm) ## number of regression coefficients
    N = nrow(mm) ## number of observations
    shapes = inv_link_fun(mm %*% par[1:P]) ## shape vector (possibly transformed)
    scales = rep(par[P+1], N) ## scale vector
    -sum(dweibull(data, shape = shapes, scale = scales, log = T)) ## negative log likelihood


## function to simulate data, perform LRT
weibull_sim = function(true_shapes, true_scales, mm_full, mm_null){
    ## simulate response
    response = rweibull(length(true_shapes), true_shapes, true_scales)

    ## find MLE
    mle_full = optim(par = rep(1, ncol(mm_full)+1), fn = LL_weibull, data = response, mm = mm_full) 
    mle_null = optim(par = rep(1, ncol(mm_null)+1), fn = LL_weibull, data = response, mm = mm_null)

    ## likelihood ratio test
    df = ncol(mm_full) - ncol(mm_null)
    return(LR_test(-mle_null$value, -mle_full$value, df))

## run simulations
nsim = 1000
pvals = sapply(1:nsim, function(.) weibull_sim(shapes_full, scales, mm_full, mm_null) )

## calculate power
alpha = 0.05
power = sum(pvals < alpha) / nsim


而且你不必使用线性代数的数似然函数-显然,你可以构造形状的载体,你认为合适的任何方式(只要你明确的指标,向量中的相应参数生成par )。


威布尔分布的累积分布函数F(T) (R中的pweibull )给出了在时间T之前失效的概率。 因此,如果观察是在时间T [0]T [1]之间检查的区间,则对象在T [0]T [1]之间失败的概率是F(T [1]) - F(T [0] ]) :在T [1]之前对象失败的概率减去在T [0]之前失败的概率( T [0]T [1]之间的PDF的积分)。 因为Weibull CDF已经在R中实现,所以修改上面的似然函数是微不足道的:

LL_ic_weibull <- function(par, data, mm){
    ## 'data' has two columns, left and right times of censoring interval
    P = ncol(mm) ## number of regression coefficients
    shapes = mm %*% par[1:P]
    scales = par[P+1]
    -sum(log(pweibull(data[,2], shape = shapes, scale = scales) - pweibull(data[,1], shape = shapes, scale = scales)))


LL_ic_weibull2 <- function(par, data, nobs){
    ## 'data' has two columns, left and right times of censoring interval
    ## 'nobs' is a vector that contains the num. observations for each group (grp1, grp2, ...)
    P = length(nobs) ## number of regression coefficients
    shapes = rep(par[1:P], nobs)
    scales = par[P+1]
    -sum(log(pweibull(data[,2], shape = shapes, scale = scales) - pweibull(data[,1], shape = shapes, scale = scales)))


## generate intervals from simulated response (above)
left = ifelse(response - 0.2 < 0, 0, response - 0.2)
right = response + 0.2
response_ic = cbind(left, right)

## find MLE w/ first LL function (model matrix)
mle_ic_full = optim(par = c(1,1,3), fn = LL_ic_weibull, data = response_ic, mm = mm_full)
mle_ic_null = optim(par = c(1,3), fn = LL_ic_weibull, data = response_ic, mm = mm_null)

## find MLE w/ second LL function (groups only)
nobs_per_group = apply(mm_full, 2, sum) ## just contains number of observations per group
nobs_one_group = nrow(mm_null) ## one group so only one value
mle_ic_full2 = optim(par = c(1,1,3), fn = LL_ic_weibull2, data = response_ic, nobs = nobs_per_group)
mle_ic_null2 = optim(par = c(1,3), fn = LL_ic_weibull2, data = response_ic, nobs = nobs_one_group)


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