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[英]How does the memory leak happen?

这里是代码,该程序导致内存泄漏。 不知道怎么回事?

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

void test(shared_ptr<string> &ptr, int num) {
    cout << "pass test:" << *ptr << " " << num << endl;

int fun() {
    throw new runtime_error("runtime error");
    return 0;

int main() {

    try {
      //  test(static_cast<shared_ptr<string> >(new string("hello")), fun());
      //  Solution
      shared_ptr<string> sps(new string("h"));
      test (sps, fun());
    } catch (runtime_error *e) {
        cout << e->what() << endl;
    return 0;


==4726== HEAP SUMMARY:
==4726==     in use at exit: 54 bytes in 2 blocks
==4726==   total heap usage: 6 allocs, 4 frees, 248 bytes allocated
==4726== LEAK SUMMARY:
==4726==    definitely lost: 16 bytes in 1 blocks
==4726==    indirectly lost: 38 bytes in 1 blocks
==4726==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4726==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4726==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4726== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==4726== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==4726== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)

我认为当fun()引起异常时, sps会自行删除。 而且,在test()对shared_ptr的引用不会在not处分配内存。


唯一的例外是您的泄漏。 您正在实例化它,而不是删除它。 这个


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