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[英]How to convert this code to Task Parallel Library


    private void thisIsMethodA()
        //Vertical database
        Dictionary<int, Bitmap> verticalDB = new Dictionary<int, Bitmap>();
        // for each item
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Bitmap> entry in verticalDB)
            // We call the depth first search method 
            dfsPruning(prefix, entry.Value, frequentItems, frequentItems, entry.Key, 2);
    private void dfsPruning(Prefix prefix, Bitmap prefixBitmap, List<int> sn, List<int> inl, int hasToBeGreaterThanForIStep, int m)
        int maximumPatternLength = 100;

        for (int k = 0; k < sn.Count; k++)

            if (maximumPatternLength > m)
                dfsPruning(prefixSStep, newBitmap, sTemp, sTemp, item, m + 1);
        for (int k = 0; k < inl.Count; k++)
            if (maximumPatternLength > m)
                dfsPruning(prefixIStep, newBitmap, sTemp, iTemp, item, m + 1);




private void thisIsMethodA()
    //Vertical database
    Dictionary<int, Bitmap> verticalDB = new Dictionary<int, Bitmap>();
    // for each item
    Parallel.ForEach(verticalDB, (entry) =>

            // We call the depth first search method 
            dfsPruning(prefix, entry.Value, frequentItems, frequentItems, entry.Key, 2);
private void dfsPruning(Prefix prefix, Bitmap prefixBitmap, List<int> sn, List<int> inl, int hasToBeGreaterThanForIStep, int m)
    int maximumPatternLength = 100;
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    for (int k = 0; k < sn.Count; k++)

        if (maximumPatternLength > m)
            tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => dfsPruning(prefixSStep, newBitmap, sTemp, sTemp, item, m + 1)));
    for (int k = 0; k < inl.Count; k++)
        if (maximumPatternLength > m)
            tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => dfsPruning(prefixSStep, newBitmap, sTemp, sTemp, item, m + 1)));


所以我的问题是,如何将此代码转换为任务并行库。 因此,.net仅注意并行运行此任务。 dfsPruning()方法是递归的,我需要帮助才能将此方法转换为并行任务。


您可以做的一件简单的事情是使用Parallel.ForEach并行化thisIsMethodA而不是dfsPruning 这将根据您的执行环境在不同的线程上处理每个条目,但是您需要小心从不同线程修改的数据

private void thisIsMethodA()
    //Vertical database
    Dictionary<int, Bitmap> verticalDB = new Dictionary<int, Bitmap>();
    // for each item
    Parallel.ForEach (vertocalDB, (entry) => 
        // We call the depth first search method 
        dfsPruning(prefix, entry.Value, frequentItems, frequentItems, entry.Key, 2);



private void thisIsMethodA()
    //Vertical database
    Dictionary<int, Bitmap> verticalDB = new Dictionary<int, Bitmap>();
    // for each item
    Parallel.ForEach (vertocalDB, (entry) => 
        // We call the depth first search method 
        dfsPruning(prefix, entry.Value, frequentItems, frequentItems, entry.Key, 2);

private void dfsPruning(Prefix prefix, Bitmap prefixBitmap, List<int> sn, List<int> inl, int hasToBeGreaterThanForIStep, int m)
    int maximumPatternLength = 100;

    Parallel.For(0,sn.Count,  new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, (k) =>
        if (maximumPatternLength > m)
            dfsPruning(prefixSStep, newBitmap, sTemp, sTemp, item, m + 1);

    Parallel.For(0,inl.Count, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, (k) => 
        if (maximumPatternLength > m)
            dfsPruning(prefixIStep, newBitmap, sTemp, iTemp, item, m + 1);


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