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比较来自 deepcopy 的 Python 对象

[英]Comparing Python objects from deepcopy

有没有办法将 Python 对象与从深拷贝生成的对象进行比较?


    import copy 

    original_object = SomeObject()
    cloned_object = copy.deepcopy(original_object)
    assertDeepCopy(original_object, cloned_object)


def deep_compare(left, right):
        if not left.__dict__:
            return left == right

        for key in left.__dict__:
            if key not in right.__dict__:
                return false
                return deep_compare(left[key], right[key])
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        return left == right 

但请注意,这可能会在许多地方出错:如果对象没有以您喜欢的方式定义== ,您将无法获得所需的答案。

我知道这是一个古老的答案,但是使用Python 3,之前的代码对我来说不起作用,所以我在这个对我更好的更新它:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    def deep_compare(self,left, right, level=0):
        if type(left) != type(right):
            log.info("Exit 1 - Different types")
            return False

        elif type(left) is dict:
            # Dict comparison
            for key in left:
                if key not in right:
                    log.info("Exit 2 - missing {} in right".format(key))
                    return False
                    if not deep_compare(left[str(key)], right[str(key)], level +1 ):
                        log.info("Exit 3 - different children")
                        return False
            return True
        elif type(left) is list:
            # List comparison
            for key in left:
                if key not in right:
                    log.info("Exit 4 - missing {} in right".format(key))
                    return False
                    if not deep_compare(left[left.index(key)], right[right.index(key)], level +1 ):
                        log.info("Exit 5 - different children")
                        return False
            return True
            # Other comparison
            return left == right

        return False

它比较了dict,list和任何其他实现“==”运算符的类型。 如果您需要比较其他不同的东西,则需要在“if tree”中添加新分支。


该解决方案允许您深入比较对象、字典、列表和原语。 它允许您从比较中排除键。


def deep_compare(left, right, excluded_keys = []):
    # convert left and right to dicts if possible, skip if they can't be converted
        left = left.__dict__
        right = right.__dict__

    # both sides must be of the same type 
    if type(left) != type(right):
        return False

    # compare the two objects or dicts key by key
    if type(left) == dict:
        for key in left:
            # make sure that we did not exclude this key
            if key not in excluded_keys:
                # check if the key is present in the right dict, if not, we are not equals
                if key not in right:
                    return False
                    # compare the values if the key is present in both sides
                    if not deep_compare(left[key], right[key], excluded_keys):
                        return False

        # check if any keys are present in right, but not in left
        for key in right:
            if key not in left and key not in excluded_keys:
                return False
        return True

    # check for each item in lists
    if type(left) == list:
        # right and left must have the same length
        if len(left) != len(right):
            return False

        # compare each item in the list
        for index in range(len(left)):
            if not deep_compare(left[index], right[index], excluded_keys):
                return False

    # do a standard comparison
    return left == right


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