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如何首先grep一个单词,然后如何使用TCL regexp根据该单词grep输出?

[英]How to grep a word first then how to grep the output according to that word using TCL regexp?


set test {

device#more system:/proc/dataplane/fw/application
1 : Amazon Instant Video (num of policy actions: 0)
     http urls :
     dns names :
     https client-hello servNames :
     https server-hello servNames :
     https server-certificate commonNames :
     Application stats :
             Bytes Uploaded : 0
             Bytes Download : 0
             Num Flows : 0
2 : SIP (num of policy actions: 0)
             Proto 6-6, sport 0-65535, dport 5060-5061
             Proto 17-17, sport 0-65535, dport 5060-5061
     http urls :
     dns names :
     https client-hello servNames :
     https server-hello servNames :
     https server-certificate commonNames :
     Application stats :
             Bytes Uploaded : 0
             Bytes Download : 0
             Num Flows : 0
3 : Photobucket (num of policy actions: 0)
     http urls :
     dns names :
              *.photobucket.co (2)
              *.photobucket.com (2)
     https client-hello servNames :
     https server-hello servNames :
     https server-certificate commonNames :
     Application stats :
             Bytes Uploaded : 34
             Bytes Download : 44
             Num Flows : 78
4 : Filestub (num of policy actions: 0)
     http urls :
     dns names :
              *.filestub.com (2)
     https client-hello servNames :
     https server-hello servNames :
     https server-certificate commonNames :
     Application stats :
             Bytes Uploaded : 0
             Bytes Download : 0
             Num Flows : 0


set lines [split $test \n] ; # split using new line char(\n)
set data [join $lines :]
if { [regexp {Photobucket.*(Bytes Uploaded : .* Bytes Download:)} $data x y]} {
        set y [string trimright $y {: }]
        puts "Bytes uploaded : $y"

我试图在$ test变量中找到下载并上传到名为“ Photobucket”的应用程序的字节。

STEPS that script to do:

1. First identify the word "Photobucket" 
2. Then grep for "Bytes Uploaded : <any number> and Bytes Download : <any number>, Num Flows : <any number> for that application "Photobucket".

Output should be:

Application Name  : "Photobucket" 
Bytes Uploaded : 34
Bytes Download : 44
Num Flows : 78

运行脚本时,我只得到$ test中的最后一行。




首先,我认为您没有将正在使用的正则表达式放在问题中,因为由于缺少空格,您的正则表达式根本不匹配。 它应该是:

Photobucket.*(Bytes Uploaded : .* Bytes Download :)

现在,此正则表达式的问题是.*是贪婪的,它将一直匹配到字符串的末尾(因为它匹配所有内容),然后一次回溯一个字符,直到匹配整个正则表达式(即最后Bytes Uploaded :Bytes Download :数相匹配),或者如果找不到匹配项,则正则表达式将无法匹配。 您需要使.*变得懒惰(或尽可能少地匹配) ? 修饰符:

Photobucket.*?(Bytes Uploaded : .*? Bytes Download :)

上面的将匹配正确的部分,除了您在y值不正确之外,因为您还将具有Bytes Uploaded等等。 装饰无法将其移除。 因此,您可以对正则表达式进行更多更改:

Photobucket.*?Bytes Uploaded : (\S+):

这会将与(\\S+)匹配的非空格字符放入变量y 之后,您无需修剪。


if { [regexp {Photobucket.*?Bytes Uploaded : (\S+)\s} $test - y]} {
    puts "Bytes uploaded : $y"


if { [regexp {Photobucket.*?Bytes Uploaded : (\S+)\s+Bytes Download : (\S+)\s+Num Flows : (\S+)\s+} $test - x y z]} {
    puts "Bytes uploaded : $x"
    puts "Byte download : $y"
    puts "Num flows : $z"


set stats {"Bytes Uploaded" "Bytes Download" "Num Flows"}
set photobucket_idx [string first Photobucket $test]
foreach stat $stats {
    set digits_start [expr {[string first "$stat : " $test $photobucket_idx] + [string length "$stat : "]}]
    set digits_end [expr {[string first \n $test $digits_start] - 1}]
    set digits($stat) [string range $test $digits_start $digits_end]
parray digits


digits(Bytes Download) = 44
digits(Bytes Uploaded) = 34
digits(Num Flows)      = 78


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