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[英]Javascript private functions and object.prototype extend


define(["angular"], function(Angular) {

var dataStorageService = function() {
    var serviceConstructor = function() {
        var _getColor = function(color) {
            return this.config.categoryColorMapping.colors[color];

    var serviceInstance = new serviceConstructor();

    angular.extend(serviceInstance.prototype, {
        config: {
            numberOfMessagesDisplayed: 5,
            maxTitleLength: 48,
            maxPreambleLength: 140,
            categoryColorMapping: {
                colors : {
                    nyheter: '#2B2B2B',
                    sport: '#F59331',
                    underholding: '#F9B00D'
                categories: {
                    nyheter: _getColor('nyheter'),
                    sport: _getColor('sport'),
                    underholding: _getColor('underholding')
        get: function(param) {
            if(this.config.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
                return this.config[param];
            } else {
                console.warn('Playlist::configService:no "' + param + '" config found');
                return false;
        set: function(param, value) {
            this.config[param] = value;

    return serviceInstance;

return dataStorageService;


  1. 得到

并且我想将'_getColor'方法设为私有,但是我想在JSON对象配置中使用它。 当我运行代码时

“ ReferenceError:_getColor未定义”

这样可以实现吗? (要具有_getColor私有并在angular.extend的JSON对象中使用它?)


前者在所有实例之间共享,后者在每个实例之间共享。 解决此问题的唯一方法是将(每个实例)函数显式导出为实例的属性,使其成为非私有的。

函数可以共享,也可以是私有的,但是必须在构造函数中定义实例专用的私有成员。 由于您的私有函数不需要访问实例特定的私有成员,因此可以执行以下操作:

define(["angular"], function(Angular) {

var dataStorageService = function() {
    var serviceConstructor = function() {

    var serviceInstance = new serviceConstructor();
    //IIFE returning object that will have private members as closure
    // privileged methods have to be in the same function body as the
    // private fucnction
    serviceInstance.prototype = (function() {
        var _getColor = function(instance, color) {
            return instance.config.categoryColorMapping.colors[color];
        return {
          constructor: serviceConstructor
          ,config: {
            numberOfMessagesDisplayed: 5,
            maxTitleLength: 48,
            maxPreambleLength: 140,
            categoryColorMapping: {
                colors : {
                    nyheter: '#2B2B2B',
                    sport: '#F59331',
                    underholding: '#F9B00D'
                categories: {
                    //since categories is a sub object of serviceinstance.categorycolormapper
                    // it is not possible to get the instance of serviceinstance
                    // at this time unless you set it in the constructor
                    // solution could be that each serviceinstance has it's own categorycolormaper
                    // and when categorycolormapper is created pass the serviceinstance instance
                    nyheter: _getColor(this,'nyheter'),
                    sport: _getColor(this, 'sport'),
                    underholding: _getColor(this, 'underholding')
          get: function(param) {
            if(this.config.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
                return this.config[param];
            } else {
                console.warn('Playlist::configService:no "' + param + '" config found');
                return false;
          set: function(param, value) {
            this.config[param] = value;

    return serviceInstance;

return dataStorageService;

有关构造函数和原型的更多信息,请参见: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/16063711/1641941


serviceConstructor.prototype._getColor = _getColor ;


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