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[英]How to return a list of words from a text file in python

我想返回在文本文件中找到的所有单词。 这是我到目前为止的代码。

def get_dictionary_word_list():
    f = open('dictionary.txt')
    for word in f.read().split():

它使用print fucntion但不是打印我想要返回文本文件中所有单词的单词。 使用return它只显示'aa'而不是文件中的单词。 我不知道为什么它不与返回一起工作?


你想要的是单词的聚合 - 或者更好的是,返回你从分裂单词中获得的数组。 您可能想要清理换行符。

def get_dictionary_word_list():
    # with context manager assures us the
    # file will be closed when leaving the scope
    with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
        # return the split results, which is all the words in the file.
        return f.read().split()


def get_dictionary_word_list():
    # with context manager assures us the
    # file will be closed when leaving the scope

    with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
        # create a  dictionary object to return
        result = dict()
        for line in f.read().splitlines():
            # split the line to a key - value.
            k, v = line.split()
            # add the key - value to the dictionary object
            result[k]  = v
        return result

为了获得关键的值项,你可以使用这样的东西来返回一个生成器 (请记住,只要生成器保持打开状态,文件就会保持打开状态)。 您可以修改它以返回单词,如果这是您想要的,它非常简单:

def get_dictionary_word_list():
    # with context manager assures us the
    # file will be closed when leaving the scope
    with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
        for line in f.read().splitlines():
            # yield a tuple (key, value)
            yield tuple(line.split())


xxxx:~$ cat dictionary.txt 
a asd
b bsd
c csd
xxxx:~$ cat ld.py 
#!/usr/bin/env python

def get_dictionary_word_list():
    # with context manager assures us the
    # file will be closed when leaving the scope
    with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
        # return the split results, which is all the words in the file.
        return f.read().split()

print get_dictionary_word_list()
xxxx:~$ ./ld.py 
['a', 'asd', 'b', 'bsd', 'c', 'csd']


def get_dictionary_word_list(fname):
    with open(fname) as fh:
        return set(fh.read().split())
def get_dictionary_word_list():
    f = open('dictionary.txt')
    for word in f.read().split():
    return ll


试试这个: -

def func():
    with open('new.txt') as f:
        return f.read() # returns complete file,

with open('out.txt', 'w+') as w:
    print w.read()

Generators : -

def func():
    with open('new.txt') as f:
        yield f.read()
data = func()
with open('out2.txt', 'w+') as w:
    for line in data:
        w.write(line) #or you may use  map(w.write, line)
        print w.read()


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