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[英]Shadow mapping in directx, sampler depth-texture always return 0

我目前正在研究Directx 11阴影贴图示例。


  • 创建2个顶点hlsl文件和2个像素hlsl文件。 一个用于标准绘制,另一个用于将阴影渲染到深度缓冲区。
  • 创建阴影着色器depthStencilView。
  • 对于每一帧:
    • 设置新的渲染目标以渲染阴影: OMSetRenderTargets(0,nullptr,m_shadowDepthStencilView.Get());
    • 清除深度缓冲区: ClearDepthStencilView(m_depthStencilView.Get(),D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH,1.0f,0);
    • 渲染所有对象。
    • 将渲染目标重置为标准渲染目标视图: OMSetRenderTargets(1,renderTarget.GetAddressOf(),m_standarDepthStencilView.Get());
    • 将深度纹理(在上次绘制中更改)设置为像素着色器资源: PSSetShaderResources(1,1,m_directLightShadowResourceView.GetAddressOf());
    • 再次渲染所有对象。


浮点depthValue = depthTexture.Sample(samplerClamp,projectTexCoord).r;

depthValue始终返回0,无论如何。 我已经使用Visual Studio图形诊断检查了depthTexture,并且还可以。




  • depthTexture格式:DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS
  • shaderResourceView格式:DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS



 ///////////////////// // CONSTANT BUFFER cbuffer worldMatrixBuffer : register(b0) { float4x4 worldMatrix[10]; }; cbuffer cameraBuffer : register(b1) { float4x4 viewProjectionMatrix; }; cbuffer directLightBuffer : register(b2) { float4x4 directLightViewProjectionMatrix; }; //////////////////////////// // INPUT VERTEX STRUCTURE struct VIn { float4 position : POSITION; float4 normal : NORMAL; float worldMatrixIndex : TEXCOORD0; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD1; }; ////////////////////// // OUTPUT STRUCTURE struct VOut { float3 normal : NORMAL; float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 lightViewPosition : TEXCOORD1; }; //////////////////////// // MAIN VERTEX SHADER VOut main(VIn vertex) { // Create output struct VOut output; // Change the position vector to be 4 units for proper matrix calculations. vertex.position.w = 1.0f; // Get world-view-projection matrix float4x4 currentWorldMatrix = worldMatrix[vertex.worldMatrixIndex]; // vertex form object space to world-light-view space output.lightViewPosition = mul(currentWorldMatrix, vertex.position); output.lightViewPosition = mul(directLightViewProjectionMatrix, output.lightViewPosition); // vertex form object space to world-camera space; output.position = mul(currentWorldMatrix, vertex.position); output.position = mul(viewProjectionMatrix, output.position); // transform normal vector from object-space to world space output.normal = mul((float3x3)currentWorldMatrix, // convert to matrix 3x3 is important because // we don't want to translate normal vector vertex.normal); // we need to normalize the normal vector to preform next calculation output.normal = normalize(output.normal); // Set texture coordinate output.texcoord = vertex.texcoord; // Return output values return output; } 


 ///////////////////// // CONSTANT BUFFER cbuffer lightBuffer : register(b0) { // Light information float4 lightDirection; float4 diffuseColor; float4 ambientColor; }; ////////////////////// // INPUT STRUCTURE struct PIn { float3 normal : NORMAL; float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 lightViewPosition : TEXCOORD1; }; ////////////////////// // TEXTURE RESOURCE Texture2D objectTexture : register(t0); // Register(t...) tell shader that this variable // retrive data from texture register 0. Texture2D depthTexture : register(t1); ///////////// // SAMPLER SamplerState samplerWrap : register(s0); SamplerState samplerClamp : register(s1); /////////////////////// // MAIN PIXEL SHADER float4 main(PIn pixel) : SV_TARGET { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the bias value for fixing the floating point precision issues. float bias = 0.001f; // set minimum color to ambient color float4 color = ambientColor; // Calculate the projected texture coordinates. float2 projectTexCoord; projectTexCoord.x = pixel.lightViewPosition.x / pixel.lightViewPosition.w / 2.0f + 0.5f; projectTexCoord.y = -pixel.lightViewPosition.y / pixel.lightViewPosition.w / 2.0f + 0.5f; // By divine x and y to w we convert it lightViewPosition to uv coordinate from -1 to 1 // convert it to 0 -> 1 coordinate simply by divine it to 2 and add 0.5 if (saturate(projectTexCoord.x) == projectTexCoord.x && saturate(projectTexCoord.y) == projectTexCoord.y) { // Sample the shadow map depth value from the depth texture using the sampler at // the projected texture coordinate location. float depthValue = depthTexture.Sample(samplerClamp, projectTexCoord).r; // Calculate the depth of the light. float lightDepthValue = pixel.lightViewPosition.z / pixel.lightViewPosition.w; // Subtract the bias from the lightDepthValue. lightDepthValue = lightDepthValue - bias; // Compare the depth of the shadow map value and the depth of the light to determine // whether to shadow or to light this pixel. If the light is in front of the object // then light the pixel, if not then shadow this pixel since an object (occluder) // is casting a shadow on it. if (lightDepthValue > depthValue) { float4 normalLightDir = normalize(lightDirection); float diffuseBrigtness = saturate( // force result to between 0 and 1 dot(pixel.normal, normalLightDir)); // dot product of normal vector and // light direction // add diffuse light to output color color += diffuseColor * diffuseBrigtness; } } // Multiply final color with it's texture color if (pixel.texcoord.x > 1) { return color * (1, 1, 1, 1); } else { return color * objectTexture.Sample(samplerWrap, pixel.texcoord); } } 


 ///////////////////// // CONSTANT BUFFER cbuffer worldMatrixBuffer : register(b0) { float4x4 worldMatrix[10]; }; cbuffer directLightBuffer : register(b2) { float4x4 directLightViewProjectionMatrix; }; //////////////////////////// // INPUT VERTEX STRUCTURE struct VIn { float4 position : POSITION; float4 normal : NORMAL; float worldMatrixIndex : TEXCOORD0; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD1; }; ////////////////////// // OUTPUT STRUCTURE struct VOut { float4 position : SV_POSITION; }; //////////////////////// // MAIN VERTEX SHADER VOut main(VIn vertex) { // Create output struct VOut output; // Get world-view-projection matrix float4x4 currentWorldMatrix = worldMatrix[vertex.worldMatrixIndex]; // vertex form object space to world-camera space output.position = mul(currentWorldMatrix, vertex.position); output.position = mul(directLightViewProjectionMatrix, output.position); return output; } 


 //////////////////////// // PIXEL INPUT STRUCT struct PIn { float4 position : SV_POSITION; }; float4 main(PIn pixel) : SV_TARGET { return float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } 

对不起,我已经知道了。 我真的很傻。

  • 我无法读取深度缓冲区的原因是因为我在OMSetRenderTarget之前使用PSSetShaderResource。 这意味着我的深度缓冲区仍然绑定到OM状态,因此无法绑定到PS状态。

  • 我只需要将代码向下移动几行,一切都可以正常工作



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